Your baby’s healthy sleep, or how easy it is to be a happy parent.
You have a six-month-old baby – you have fed your baby, dressed him in comfortable, soft clothes, kissed him, put him to bed at home, and lulled him to sleep. Now it’s the long-awaited moment – the baby is asleep. But for some reason, the child is awake, you just put him/her to bed, and he/she sleeps for 20 minutes and wakes up. Let’s figure out together what the reason might be.
Fresh air is one of the most important factors for a healthy baby’s sleep. Yes, that’s right, fresh air!
It sounds so simple, but in fact, it is a common mistake when parents wrap their child, close the windows, and avoid airing the room in the cold season. But in doing so, they unintentionally harm their child’s healthy sleep. And probably every mother has faced a situation where you put your child to bed and take him or her in a stroller to the street or park, and there he or she sleeps, even despite the roar of the city and the noise around. For some reason, it doesn’t work that way at home.
And everything works this way because fresh air is important for quality sleep.
And there are a number of important physiological aspects:
- Sleeping outdoors naturally regulates body temperature. This process works like this: the hypothalamus lowers the body temperature at the stage of falling asleep. In the phase of active dreams, the control of thermoregulation decreases, so the ambient temperature has a greater impact on body temperature. And if it is too high – the room is stuffy and warm – this will force the body to make additional efforts to lower the body temperature. Therefore, the child will often wake up in rooms that are too stuffy and have an air temperature above 20 degrees.
- When enough fresh air enters the lungs, the level of oxygen in the blood increases. Accordingly, all body systems work together. Especially the adrenal glands and the entire endocrine system, which regulates stress and calmness. Also, the amount of the hormone melatonin increases in the body. It is responsible for circadian rhythms, in other words, for falling asleep. The more of it, the deeper, longer, and better the sleep.
- Due to the fact that the air circulates constantly, does not «stagnate» in one room, does not concentrate allergens, nasal congestion may disappear, breathing improves, and skin irritations decrease.
And also, a child who sleeps «in the fresh air» will wake up much more cheerful and energetic. Because quality sleep has fulfilled its important function – it has calmed the nervous system and helped to «reboot» the entire body.
But what now – will a child sleep well only outside? And what if it’s cold, raining, windy, or a noisy, polluted city street outside?
We offer a modern, functional and affordable solution – the Prana air recovery system. By installing a recuperator in your home, you will always have the right microclimate and constant air exchange in the room. This means a comfortable temperature and a constant supply of fresh, clean air for your baby to sleep sweetly and peacefully.
The Prana recuperator also reduces the risk of allergic reactions to dust or human waste products due to constant high-quality air exchange.
So, take care of your baby’s healthy sleep – install a recuperator!
For more information about Prana systems, please contact our specialists at +38 044 383-03-46